How To Manage Christmas With Social Anxiety Disorder


Seasons Greetings, and a very Merry Christmas to you all, wherever you are in the world!

how to manage christmas with social anxiety

However I know from my conversations with clients that, unfortunately, it’s not always a Merry Christmas, especially when you suffer from social anxiety and shyness. It can be an anxious time, with so many expectations about being ‘social’. There’s Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Eve, New Years day, etc. It really can be quite stressful!

Man Hiding Behind Laptop With Christmas Hat

I thought it would be helpful to provide you with a few tips and ideas through video that can hopefully help make the next few weeks a little bit easier for you. I also found an article on the BBC UK website titled “Christmas: A Social Anxiety Minefield”, which I would recommend reading.

I hope you find these ideas and resources useful, and I certainly do wish you a Merry Christmas. Stay safe, and I look forward to talking with you again in 2014.

Regards, Kyle



Why is Christmas Stressful for Social Anxiety Sufferers

Source: Laura McMurray, Senior Psychological Therapist, ICope



  • Thanks for the tips as always Kyle. I like how you bring up the concept of expectations during the holidays. I think expectations are something that we can all focus on controlling because when we change our expectations of ourselves, we take a step towards accepting ourselves a little better. We are who we are and whatever that entails, we should always love the skin we’re in.

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