How to Tell the Difference Between Social Anxiety and Shyness

How to Tell the Difference Between Social Anxiety and Shyness by Kyle MacDonald in Shyness, Social Anxiety, Social Phobia Most of you will feel some shyness at some point in your life in situations that take you out of your comfort zones: job interviews, dating, going to a party where you don’t know anybody, making a difficult…

Don’t Look Up

Don’t Look Up by Kyle MacDonald on July 20, 2016 This week on The Confident Mind I talk about how our tendency to “look up” at those who have more, creates anxiety and unhappiness.  In capitalism and western society our tendency to strive and want to be more successful fuels anxiety and insecurity, and ultimately…

What Causes Social Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia?

Understanding Fear – What are Phobias and How Common Are They? by Kyle MacDonald in Fear, Phobias What are phobias? Well, in a psychological context, they are a persistent fear of objects, animals or situations, which a person will go to great lengths to avoid. While some of us dislike spiders, some affected by arachnophobia…

Yes, My Social Anxiety Podcast is Here!

Yes, My Social Anxiety Podcast is Here! by Kyle MacDonald on April 22, 2015 In this, the first episode of “The Confident Mind,” the weekly Podcast of, I outline the basics of Mindfulness, talks about the sorts of topics that this Podcast will cover and gives a small practical example or “taster” of mindfulness practice….

Get Started

Who is Kyle? Hi, I’m Kyle, and I’m here to help people like you on their path to Overcoming Social Anxiety, and you’ve just taken your first step! If you have Social Anxiety, or feel that your Shyness gets in the way of you achieving what you want in life, then you’re in the right place….