The Courage to Overcome Social Anxiety Disorder

The Courage to Overcome Social Anxiety Disorder by Kyle MacDonald on November 5, 2013 in Fear, Social Anxiety Courage, bravery, heroism.  These aren’t words we normally associate with being afraid.  But actually, when you think about it, it’s not possible to be courageous without fear.  We also tend to think about bravery as doing large…

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Home Social Anxiety Disorder What is Social Anxiety? Do I Have Social Anxiety? Social Anxiety Self Test What Causes Social Anxiety? Social Anxiety, Phobia or Shyness? Signs and Symptoms of Social Anxiety Common Triggers of Social Anxiety What is a Panic Attack? Social Anxiety Resources Social Anxiety Treatment How To Treat Social Anxiety? Cognitive Behavioural…

Get Started

Who is Kyle? Hi, I’m Kyle, and I’m here to help people like you on their path to Overcoming Social Anxiety, and you’ve just taken your first step! If you have Social Anxiety, or feel that your Shyness gets in the way of you achieving what you want in life, then you’re in the right place….

Out From The Shadows

Out From The Shadows by Kyle MacDonald in Social Anxiety “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” … so what exactly does the Declaration of Independence mean by happiness? And why’s it so vital that it’s right up there next to freedom and, well, being? When Thomas Jefferson gathered those gentlemen together in Philadelphia in…

Anti-Social Media

Anti-Social Media by Kyle MacDonald on March 31, 2016 This week on the Confident Mind, I talk about online bullying, and my thoughts on why it seems to be more prevalent.  I explain the role of narcissism and empathy failure in bullying, and how this is a particular risk with online relating.  And I suggest how…

How to Cope with Social Anxiety at College – Useful Tips and Ideas

College symbolizes independence and freedom and will be for many one of the best times of their lives, but if you were struggling with social anxiety in high school, the transition to college can amplify your difficulties. It will mean leaving your comfort zone, not only mentally but also physically, and for some, it will…

How To Manage Christmas With Social Anxiety Disorder

How To Manage Christmas With Social Anxiety Disorder by Kyle MacDonald in Avoidance, Fear, Social Anxiety Seasons Greetings, and a very Merry Christmas to you all, wherever you are in the world! However I know from my conversations with clients that, unfortunately, it’s not always a Merry Christmas, especially when you suffer from social anxiety…

Posts – 3/7

Welcome to The Confident Mind Podcast, the popular self help podcast by Kyle MacDonald. To subscribe to the podcast, please use the links below: Click Here to Subscribe via iTunes
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REPOSTED: Why Addiction is not a Disease – Interview with Marc Lewis

REPOSTED: Why Addiction is not a Disease – Interview with Marc Lewis by Kyle on January 7, 2016 Over the next five weeks I’ll be taking a break for the Southern Hemisphere Christmas and Summer Holiday.  So each week I’ll be posting one of my interview podcasts from the last year.  New Episodes from the…